Thursday, August 26, 2010

Up High, Down Low

Aunt Anne has been visiting for the past week, and we are having a buh-LAST!  She is so much fun to play with!!

And she has fabulous fashion sense.  So we not only play splendidly (what a Mary Poppins-ish word), but we look good doing it.

We even played with some grass on our picnic:

A natural birdwatcher:

Today, Uncle Mark joined us here and brought some silliness along with him.  The Girlie's motto is "the sillier the better," so Uncle Mark is doing quite well.  He even taught the Girlie how to give high-fives!  Check it out:

The Girlie is loving her visitors :-)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quote of the Day

"You've got to throw the ball at her.  I throw the ball at her so she'll get good reflexes."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

10 Months

Happy 10-Month birthday to the Bambina!!!  We cannot believe you are 83% of a year old!  Slow down there, Kiddo!

I don't think there's any chance of her slowing down anytime soon.  Once she learns something new, it's on to the next thing without a second thought.  Right now, she is pulling up on everything in sight.  She can even let go and stand there for a few seconds (at least 5) before gracefully falling back down on her bum.

She's so motivated, which means we need to be on the ball acting as her human bungee cords.

She's still not quite crazy about food, but she had some fun with broccoli last night:

Our current favorite song to sing is the "Good Morning" song, an original by our favorite singer/songwriter: Daddy.  We do our best to replicate his voice, but it's so much better when Daddy is here to sing along :-)

It is quite impossible to not have fun with the Girlie.  I read somewhere once that childhood is the lens through which we view the world for the rest of our lives.  Hopefully you are enjoying yours as much as we are.  Cheers to you, Chickee, on yet another marvelous milestone!

A Prayer Haiku for O:

God bless your toes.
I kiss your sweet hands, sweet face.
My love be with you.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We Befriend the ER

This past Sunday we had our first trip to the emergency room with the Girlie.  All is well now, but the story goes something like this...

She woke up around 3:30am and was having some serious trouble falling back to sleep, very unlike her.  We swore we could see her second tooth making its arrival, complete with swollen gums.  Naturally, we attributed her discomfort to the teething.  She woke up around her normal time, but still seemed to be in pain.  We held her for most of the morning since she didn't seem to want to be on the floor.  Daddy drove to work to log in a few hours, and the Girlie had no trouble taking her morning nap other than a few cries here and there.  She woke up from that nap and was undoubtedly still feeling the same-- yucky.

I had lunch with her, she was picking up blueberries, getting them everywhere, and turning everything blue in the process. She seemed normal.  Subconsciously, as I later realized, I noticed she wasn't using her right arm.  Sometimes she does that, like if she thinks it's stuck in the high chair, so I really didn't pay much attention to it.  Then we were playing on the floor and she wouldn't crawl, didn't care to get any toys, and just seemed kinda sad.  It was then that I really noticed she wasn't moving her right arm.  I tried to get her to grab all kinds of things-- her pink ball, my cell phone, the ruby picture frame she's always going for, but she just wouldn't move it.  It was just hanging there limply.

Like most people, my thoughts first jumped to the worst thing possible.  Let's not go there.  So then I tried to think more positively, but I couldn't come up with anything that was actually positive.  Cue more panic.  I phoned her pediatrician's office and the doctor on call promptly phoned back.  He assuredly told me that he thought she had "nursemaid's elbow" but that we should bring her to the ER just in case.  I proceeded to call Daddy, who then rushed home-- he probably wasn't much comforted by the sound of my voice, which hadn't become any less panicked because I had never ever heard of nurse's whose-a-something.

We got to the ER and checked in without incident.  All the while, the Girlie is such a trooper that she didn't cry at all, and was so into observing this strange place we were in and looking at new faces.  What a sweetheart!  The nurses that checked us in all thought it was what the doctor had mentioned over the phone, so we were beginning to feel a little bit better.  Having calm, sane Daddy there definitely helped. We are a good team.

After the doctor evaluated her, he was quite sure she had "nursemaid's elbow."  He did a simple maneuver with her arm, and it was back to normal.  Holy cow.  HOLY COW.  Something that was super scary turned out to be something easily remedied.  She was literally back to normal in minutes.  Our friendly, giggling, curious little girl.

I don't really take my time with the Girlie for granted.  I try to love every minute of it, even the exhausting ones.  It's things like this that reinforce how lucky we are, and how important family is, and how unimportant everything else is.  This kid is the best teacher I've ever had.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lookin' Goooood

The Bambina had her 9-month checkup at the doctor's yesterday.  I am proud to report that she is doing fabulous :-)

A check of the stats:

Weight:  20 lbs  14 oz
Height:  28 inches
Head Circumference:  18 inches (does being in the 90th percentile for this mean she has a large brain?  I'm going with YES)

Meanwhile, Nonna and Paddy are visiting.  Wrapping paper is the best present, isn't it?

Nonna is enjoying helping the Girlie practice walking, or as Nonna says, "Walkie, walkie!"  It sounds even sillier in person.  I have a feeling she is learning a few things from Paddy as well:

Vivono i nonni!